Express Yourself

Express Yourself
EXPRESS YOURSELF! DON'T BACK DOWN! “Esta é uma palavra fiel, e digna de toda a aceitação, que Cristo Jesus veio ao mundo, para salvar os pecadores, dos quais eu sou o principal.” [1 TIMÓTEO 01:15]

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Something about my life!

When I remenber my past, come to my memory some special things that, maybe, I don't have more. I remenber of going to my amazing church and to find my friends. I remenber my hapiness of going there. I remenber my travels with my family that I love so much. I remenber when I sung to the first time. I was with eight years and I sung 'Tem Anjo Aqui' of the gospel singer Cassiane. After that day, I never stopped. I remenber of Mauá's Beach, when me and my family passed vacations and holidays with my grandmother and my grandfather.

Me in Mauá's Beach

Why Did I write that?
My grandfather died in 2009 and after my uncle died too. It was very sad to me. Accepting that you never more will see somebody who you love is very sad.

In the same year, I passed to EFOMM. But, in the end, I didn't get to enter because my essay. In 2010, I went to Guaratinguetá – at EEAR. However, I cannot stay there because I was sickness. But, I have tried stay there, but, unfortunately, I didn't get. In the same year, in August, I passed to AFA: a old dream that I have gotten. But The Aer Force has finished with my dream. How? Ending the injuction. All right. It was sad. It was very sad. Do I need explain why? I think not. But, in the same time, It was good, because I can recupper my health. I tried again and, in 2012, I got to enter in EFOMM and I am here now.

Each day one surprise. Do I have to change? Do I have to stop of speaking? I intend do this.
My ex-friend, in the last sunday, broke up me. I don't know why he made this. We always were friends. But, life gives turns. Each moment is one teaching.

How Madonna says: 'I don't want nothing easy. Easy doesn't make people to grown up. Easy doesn't make people to think'. I follow this.

Have I ever thought in giving up?
Yes, I have. A lot of times.
But, I will never give up.
Listen me: I will never give up.
God always gave me health, patience and force to continue my journey that I have just began and I will get to conquer more things because I believe in one God that I can everything.

'There is strenght, hope and power in the name of the Lord', like a Sandi Patty's song – In the Name of the Lord – says.

Well... this a little of my life.
All it you will see soon. Wait!


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