sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2016

Our Religion should be the LOVE! [Photo/Verse /Comments/Videos]

"So you, why do you judge your brother? Why do you despise your brother? Because everybody will stand before the judgment seat of God. It is written: " 'For me I swore,' says the Lord, 'before me every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I'm God. '" So every one of us will give account of himself to God."
[Romans 14: 10-12]

I love this photo! To me it represents all that we should follow: LOVE! Jesus, who supposedly existed, had no religion ... had LOVE!!!

I have a religion and love being Protestant Evangelical and congregate a Baptist church. But this will never give me the right to judge and point fingers at other people who follow other doctrines. NO! STOP THIS SLAPSTICK!

"Huuummm... he is Adventist! He guards the Sabbath! He goes to hell!"
"Huuummm... he is macumbeiro*! He beats the tambozão! He goes to hell!"
"Huuummm ... he is Buddhist! He doesn't believe in God! Of course, he goes to hell!"

*People who said 'macumbeiro' are wrong in the term yet!

Stop, people! Cease this!
Do you want a better world? So, start with you being the difference!
What's the difference what I mean?

"We are all of us children of the same Father. Black, white or mixed race, brown and oriental. But our Father in heaven is every race and color. And the truth we need is love. Love is the answer to the evil today we rob our brother. Love is the answer for those who do not find in this world solution."
[Alessandra Samadello - brazilian gospel singer]

"You can be Baptist, New Life or Methodist. Being a Presbyterian and even Assembleiano, because any denomination has the right to salvation. But if you don't love your brother, so, you won't live at heaven."
[Marina de Oliveira - brazilian gospel singer]



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