domingo, 1 de março de 2015

Do you wanna know my other kind of being? Really?

You have sure that aren't a "liked" person at environment when, in a dynamic of a presentation, almost nobody put hands together. In another cases, when others do the same, the plaudit are audible in the hall. But, I'm following. My way has already done several times and so many differents types. Today, my ship isn't going to sink because of people. How do people think themselves in the right of coming to me and say that I have to change my manner of being, my manner of thinking, my manner of acting, my manner of laughing? I don't get understand! However, I can change, but will be a Raphael Paiva very starnger. I think the people wouldn't like to know my other side. I get transform from I LOVE EVERYBODY to I KILL EVERYBODY.

March 01st, 2015 - 09:40p.m.
Raphael Paiva

Instagram: raphaelppaiva

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