Express Yourself

Express Yourself
EXPRESS YOURSELF! DON'T BACK DOWN! “Esta é uma palavra fiel, e digna de toda a aceitação, que Cristo Jesus veio ao mundo, para salvar os pecadores, dos quais eu sou o principal.” [1 TIMÓTEO 01:15]

domingo, 12 de maio de 2024


I "love" these people who wake up and think 'From today on, I don't want him/her in my life anymore!' and out of nowhere socially blocks someone from your life, regardless of whether they were an acquaintance, colleague, friend, family member, etc. This is perhaps a gift.
I'm from the other extreme: I cling to any motherfucker who laughs at me. This is a big defect, because I, because I get attached, expect at least the minimum... and often the person doesn't even offer the minimum, even though you are an excellent friend.
In fact, many people talk to you either out of convenience or because you frequent a certain place. Either you work out at her time, or you belong to her church, or you live in her condominium. If one day you change your schedule/plan, the person will pretend they don't even know you.
Many times, people want you to "get attached" to them, do everything, deify them, but they don't make the slightest point of being reciprocal. The argument is: "I'm not obligated to do anything!" A shallow, weak argument to justify her detachment and lack of desire to be with you, because, in fact, when someone wants, they seek, they go after it.
Anyway... just a random rant! Let's continue. Adult life is like this: between work and diet, we find about 5 minutes to vent nonsense.

Raphael Paiva

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