Express Yourself

Express Yourself
EXPRESS YOURSELF! DON'T BACK DOWN! “Esta é uma palavra fiel, e digna de toda a aceitação, que Cristo Jesus veio ao mundo, para salvar os pecadores, dos quais eu sou o principal.” [1 TIMÓTEO 01:15]

segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2024



From time to time, this gentleman returns to the headlines with some ‘bombshell’. Last year, during LGBT Pride month, he made a series of messages titled ‘God Hates Pride’. In short: sealing it in the gospel world. This time, he gave his opinion on whether young people should go to college or not. Among other words, he said that:
“If college is going to end your child's life, don't send him to college. Do not send. Go sell popsicles in the garage.”... “What did you raise your son for? To go to hell!? To become a slut?” In the “pastor’s” opinion, what’s the point of having a Doctorate or Master’s degree if your daughter is going to turn into a slut? “You raised your daughter to be a holy woman, a worthy family woman.”
It is clear that there is nothing in the Word of God! He preaches his opinions on a subject (as many have done). What he said is incredibly stupid. But this goes further. We are noticing a process of mass manipulation here. Leaders (political and religious) have a project: to keep people in ignorance so that their ‘sheep’ do not have critical thinking and do not become a threat to their empires. It's very stupid to say (even more so from a pulpit) that it's not worth putting your children in college since it's a promiscuous place and your daughters will probably become “sluts”. Meanwhile, this pastor sports clothes from Louis Vuitton (a blouse for R$6250.00). Meanwhile, these leaders sport watches worth more than R$100,000.00. SCAMMALS! Meanwhile, his nephew, Isaque Valadão Bessa, son of Ana Paula Valadão (the lion), boasts a Ferrari and several trips on Instagram. Then, when some people revolt and speak out, question, these same leaders come forward to say that they are being persecuted, that there is religious prejudice. Others already say that people ‘hate the truth’, that ‘the Word of God has to be preached’ and that ‘I’m a Christian, so I’m going to be a nuisance’.
And the bad thing is that this affects all Christians. Because of a minority (such as André Valadão, Silas Malafaia, Valdemiro Santiago and Edir Macedo), every day the revolt against the ‘evangelical community’ grows. As I already wrote a while ago, left-wing activists are trying at all costs to create the narrative that the church is an inappropriate place, the pastor is a criminal and that every Christian is a scammer, alienated and fundamentalist.
“The education crisis in Brazil is not a crisis, it is a project!”
(Darcy Ribeiro)

Regarding raising children, I have no say, since I am not a father. But I believe Christian leaders have constructed the wrong narrative for years. Sunday (06/16/2024), my pastor presented babies. All very beautiful. However, he said some things that I disagreed with, such as, for example, that parents don't raise their children to be upset, to make mistakes. And what I see in Christian homes is that parents really raise their children with this purpose: never make mistakes, otherwise you will cause a lot of disappointment to your parents, you will be a disappointment. And this is wrong! How can it be built in the head of a child/adolescent that they can never make mistakes, fail, get a low grade, etc., since this will destroy their parents!? This is cruel to the psychology of a child/adolescent. We are human, therefore, we make mistakes. Plus, you don't raise your kids to live in a bubble. Your children will grow up and discover other horizons, other worlds and you, responsible, have to be by their side to guide, mediate with the world. Your child may grow up and want to be a soldier, an engineer, a dancer, an artist. Your child may grow up and want to be a Christian, Candomblesist, Umbandist, Buddhist. Your child can grow up to be straight, homosexual, bisexual. What you can't do is for your child to grow up and not have a father or mother present. And, dear reader, your child will make mistakes, just as you made mistakes (when you were young) and have been making mistakes. Avoid creating expectations in your children: “My son will be a great pastor!”, “My son will never stray from the Lord’s paths!” etc. Raise your child to be a good, hard-working, respectful citizen.
Raphael Paiva

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