Express Yourself

Express Yourself
EXPRESS YOURSELF! DON'T BACK DOWN! “Esta é uma palavra fiel, e digna de toda a aceitação, que Cristo Jesus veio ao mundo, para salvar os pecadores, dos quais eu sou o principal.” [1 TIMÓTEO 01:15]

domingo, 16 de junho de 2024



On 05/17/2024, PL 1908/24 was presented, created mainly by Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL/RJ), but which has 33 authors, and it deals with rape and abortion.
According to our current legislation (Article 128 of Decree Law No. 2,848 of December 7, 1940), abortion is permitted on two occasions: risk of death to the pregnant woman and in case of rape. In 2012, a judgment by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) established that it is permitted to terminate a pregnancy when it is noted that the fetus is anencephalic (bad brain formation).
Outside of these possibilities permitted by current legislation, the person who carries out the procedure may suffer legal punishments. Currently, according to the Penal Code, abortion caused by a pregnant woman or with her consent carries a prison sentence of 1 to 3 years. In cases carried out by others with the pregnant woman's consent, the prison sentence is 1 to 4 years.
O PL 1904/24 provides that abortion carried out after 22 weeks of gestation, in any situation, will be considered homicide, including in the case of pregnancy resulting from rape. The penalty will be six to 20 years for a woman who undergoes the procedure.
And it is obvious that the two extremist sides have taken this discussion and are making politics based on it. The left is totally against it. Bolsonaro supporters are totally in favor. Therefore, as always, we do not have a healthy dialogue in favor of society.
And here are my considerations:
01. Am I in favor of abortion? No! Considering the complexity of the act that will be carried out, I am against it. It's a life and no one has the right to take another's life. Also, how many people want to have a child and can't. If you get pregnant and don't want to, you can opt for adoption. Countless couples will line up to welcome their baby. How many LGBT couples are in the adoption queue. Am I against it in all cases? Of course not. I rely on our law. Rape, anencephaly and women's health can abort. What I am against is what many want: to allow abortion on any occasion. In other words, the person has a promiscuous life, gets pregnant and takes it out on another life. Do you want a life of madness, drugs, sex, promiscuity? Take the consequences!
02. One of the things that has left me a little shocked is the reaction from the left! Last week, almost 100% of left-wing parliamentarians voted in favor of ‘saidinha’. You voted for prisoners, criminals, people who have committed illegal acts, to leave prison from time to time. This week you vote against PL 1904/24 with the argument of protecting women and adolescents. It was a bit incoherent! How do you want to protect women and vote in favor of rapists having access to the outside!? Does not make sense! You need to review this.
03. Furthermore, left-wing influencers have been creating the narrative that church is an inappropriate place, that evangelical pastors are criminals and that every Christian is a scammer, alienated and fundamentalist. And this week they began to publicize cases of pastors who committed acts of pedophilia and rape.

04. 04. Representative Erika Hilton made a video talking about women, children and adolescents and “people who are pregnant”. What do you mean ‘people who manage’!? Only women get pregnant! You want to shove other conditions, other nomenclatures down society's throat. This is not a matter of prejudice. This is science! In fact, this is obvious!
05. One of the questions raised by the left is that the sentence for a rapist would be a maximum of 12 years, while for a woman who had an abortion it would be 20 years. On this, I agree with you. It's absurd to want to pass this on. So, instead of the Left/Lulistas and Bolsonaristas fighting and complaining on social media, why don't you get together and create a project to increase the sentence for a rapist!? We have reached a magical moment: the left finally understands that the punishment for rapists is little. So develop projects that change this reality. Support chemical castration, for example. Let's change our law!
06. Federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro posted the following on X: “Victory! Let's go ahead! I have PL to worsen penalties for abortion practitioners as well.” Eduardo Bolsonaro and Bolsonaro supporters, where is a project for more severe penalties for those who committed the crime of rape? What do you think about creating a reception project for people who were victims of this crime?
07. Why did you decide to take the baby out only after 5 months? You waited all this time, the being developed and now you want to take it away? And worse: the methods that can be used for withdrawal. Cruel!
08. Isn't it time for parliamentarians to debate Sexual Education in schools and also in religious temples!? It is necessary these days!

Saiba em quais casos o aborto é permitido no Brasil, Portal Poder 360
Manifestantes vão às ruas contra PL que equipara aborto a homicídio, Portal Agência Brasil
PL 1904/2024, Portal Câmara dos Deputados

Raphael Paiva

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