Express Yourself

Express Yourself
EXPRESS YOURSELF! DON'T BACK DOWN! “Esta é uma palavra fiel, e digna de toda a aceitação, que Cristo Jesus veio ao mundo, para salvar os pecadores, dos quais eu sou o principal.” [1 TIMÓTEO 01:15]

segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2024



This week the decriminalization of marijuana possession for personal use is on the agenda. The score at the Supreme Court was 8 votes to 3 in favor. Ministers Alexandre de Moraes, Edson Fachin, Luís Roberto Barroso (president of the Court), Rosa Weber (who has already retired), Gilmar Mendes, Toffoli and Cármen Lúcia voted for decriminalization. Cristiano Zanin, André Mendonça and Nunes Marques voted against.
In principle, I am against the decriminalization of marijuana and any drug. They say it's just a plant, but I think marijuana is the door to worse drugs. We have cases after cases of people who destroyed themselves with drugs, having started with marijuana, such as the singer Whitney Houston. At age 14, she was introduced to marijuana by her brother. From then on, she had addiction after addiction, hospitalization in clinics, family imbalance and the loss of her voice. And we know the story and the tragic end she had.
Furthermore, unlike countries like the United States, we do not have authorized stores selling it. In other words, who will sell? Where are you going to buy marijuana? Therefore, directly or indirectly, the ‘simple user’ finances trafficking.
Furthermore, I was a member of a church in a community in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro for 25 years. Those who belong to a community church know the social work that is done with people who use drugs. It's sad to see families destroyed, parents discouraged because of their child who became addicted. And I can say: a large part of users want to get rid of their addiction, but they can't.
Despite this mentioned above, we have to see the context of our country: people use marijuana and will continue to use it whether it is prohibited or not. The topic is very complex! We also have to look at the police and prison scenario in our country. Today, I agree with the release of a certain amount for personal use. The State arresting a person who is using x grams, a person who is in private, is surreal. I think the government could release a certain amount (as is being debated), but making public policies so that people don't go down this path. There are people who will use it from time to time and will be content. There are others who will start with marijuana and then, perhaps due to influence, will start using others.
In short, the topic is complex and, as usual, in politics we have extremes: on the one hand, we have a militant left that, in many cases, thinks everything is normal and that, if it could, would release everything. In other words, they are trivializing the agenda. “My vote is very clear in the sense that no user, of any drug, can be criminalized”, stated Toffoli when clarifying his position. On the other side, we have a pathetic right that pretends to care about society and that simply does not want to debate this issue, as it is 'totally wrong and goes against moral principles'. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm almost certain that soon some parliamentarian will use 'God' and the Holy Bible to say that he is against the decriminalization of marijuana possession for personal use. What no one debates is, as I said above, public policies to discourage use. What no one debates is the creation of clinics to serve users who want to stop using, but are unable to. What no one puts up for debate is the creation of places to receive addicted people who live on the streets. But, as always, parliamentarians are using an important agenda to engage in politicking and seal it on social media.
01. Many people who call themselves Right Wing claim that Public Universities are full of drugged people and vehemently defend military education institutions, saying that everything works in these, that there are no such moral depravities. Do you really think there are no students from Military Institutions who use drugs!? This thought is hilarious. I was a student at EFOMM (Merchant Marine Officer Training School) and I say: there is a lot of it. Students, at the weekend, went to the dormitory terrace to use marijuana, in addition to sex. So, don't give me this naivety of thinking that this doesn't exist in Military Schools, because it does.
02. I am not an example of a Christian and I am sure of this. But I have found the position of many Christians on this and other issues very strange. There are Christians who are simply defending the liberalization of drugs and abortion, as if it were the most normal thing.
03. According to the opinion of the majority of the Supreme Court, possession of marijuana continues to be illegal, but the punishments for users are now administrative in nature, not criminal.
On 06/26/2024 (Tuesday), in the morning, I posted my opinion on my Instagram and an acquaintance sent me a message saying that I was prejudiced. After that, without giving me the Right to Contradictory and Full Defense, he stopped following me and blocked me.
I affirm that it is not prejudice! It's just an opinion! It's just a demonstration of my truth (just as everyone has their own). Each person has a life, each person has a social, political, cultural and financial context. Each person has a truth. It is up to us to respect the individuality of each citizen. But that is not what has happened. Everyone preaches the famous 'freedom of expression', but when someone gives an opinion contrary to what you think, they are judged, canceled, unfollowed, blocked. There is no longer any dialogue, no debate. What exists is the attempt to impose your truth on others. And from the moment you disagree with your colleague’s ‘Divine Truth’, you become disposable, not worthy of his friendship; you become boring, heretic, sinful, stupid, moral trash.
In summary, my social networks look like this:
- Lulistas unfollowing me, because I criticize Lule's actions!
- Bolsonaro supporters unfollowing me, because I criticize Bolsonaro's actions!
- Christians unfollowing me, because I'm a heretic who makes videos of Madonna singing and dancing and criticizing/questioning leaders, messages!
- Madonna fans unfollowing me, because, as I criticize Lule, they think I voted for Bolsonaro!
- Military and conservative acquaintances unfollowing me, because, as I criticize Bolsonaro, they think I voted for Lule!
- Stoners unfollowing me because I posted an opinion contrary to the trivialization of the agenda!
It's hard to be outside a bubble! (Or as many say: boring, exempt lol)

Raphael Paiva

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