segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2024



Last week, the big debate in the Chamber and the Senate was PL 1904/2024, which aims to make abortion after 22 weeks a homicide. The left vehemently criticized the project, saying that this PL seeks to criminalize women who are victims of rape and that this could never happen. The right was 100% in favor of the project, arguing that the formed being already has life and, therefore, cannot be killed, regardless of how it was generated and the time.
In view of the arduous debates and discussions in Parliament, Federal Deputy Nikolas Ferreira made a video on 06/19/2024 and posted it on his YouTube channel. The name of the video is ‘TO CHRISTIANS FROM ALL OVER BRAZIL - AND TO THE FAKE PEOPLE TOO’. When I watched the video for the first time, I thought it was very good, after all, we have a democratically elected Christian deputy defending Christian agendas, and, in addition, Nikolas Ferreira has excellent oratory skills. But, as always, I stopped and reflected.
And now here are my considerations:
Nikolas: “This video is for Christians and especially for those who think they are Christians!”
Nikolas, like many Christians, places himself on a pedestal in which he is the supreme of Christianity, everything he defends is correct and everything that is different from what he thinks is wrong, sinful, heretical. I really wanted to understand this self-esteem that many Christians have. You think that, because you are Christians, you are above good and evil, that you represent the absolute truth, that your cause is the most important and anything that is even slightly different is wrong. It's hilarious and pathetic! Dear Christian, you are a citizen like any other!
Nikolas: “Christians have always been the moral north of society!” When did society's new agendas begin to influence more than the Gospel?
Dear Nikolas, nowadays we have accessibility, technology, internet, social networks. In the past, we lived at the mercy of the traditional media (in the world) and in the church, what the pastor said was law and that was that. Today is different! In the past, the pastor would commit a crime and everything would be hidden, or even the members would wipe it away. And everything wrong was hidden. Not today! We are free to question religious leaders, pastors, deacons, ministers, youth leaders and anyone else (with respect, of course!). Today, there is almost nothing covered up. Furthermore, religion does not mean morality. The person living within the church does not mean morality, ethics. We are human and we make mistakes. Christians are human and make mistakes. So this idea of ​​the ‘moral north of society’ no longer works. (It should work, since we are mini Christs. But, due to N factors and mainly the entry of politics into the pulpits, the church is no longer this 'moral north of society').
Nikolas: “A mind renewed by Christ cannot support killing innocent children (in the womb or otherwise)!” / The Christian does not complete the sentence ‘It is possible to kill an innocent when...’ / The Bible is very clear about those who fight for Justice and those who have innocent blood on their hands”

On this I agree with him. But what about the Israel x Hamas war!? What does Mr. Nikolas, who wants to defend children so much, think about this? We have a context: Hamas, an extremist terrorist group, attacked innocent people at a rave party. Hamas rapes and kills women. Hamas took and still takes hostages. Israel counterattacked. But we need an urgent ceasefire! Israel, in my opinion, has already gone beyond its limits. As it is a well-developed country, it must act intelligently. It's the same situation in Rio de Janeiro: criminals kill a police officer. In response, the Police enter communities randomly killing people, whether they are criminals or not. You have to act intelligently! In Gaza, children are being killed every day by bombings. What does Nikolas Ferreira have to say about this? Another interesting point is that he is against killing innocent people. What about bullying? At Carnival last year, influencer Thais Carla posted a photo of Globeleza. He, on his Twitter, posted the following: “They took away the beauty and all that was left was the Globo”. Imagine if she was sensitive! This is bullying and this has led to many people dying.
Nikolas: For Brazil, which is 80% Christian, it should be something simple. / “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)
Yes! We are the Christian majority. However, this does not change the fact that our State is secular. In fact, do you, as a parliamentarian, seek the common good or the Christian good!? Furthermore, our Constitution is not the Bible. Furthermore (2), the Bible is not absolute truth! No! It's not a simple subject to debate! Let's imagine that Mr. Nikolas is going to travel again to watch football in Europe. His wife is left alone at home, is raped and becomes pregnant. What would Nikolas' reaction be in this situation? Don’t tell me that he would simply say: “Love, God, before you formed us, He had already planned this!” He won't think so; no one will think like that. The Holy Bible should not be used on several subjects and this is one of them. Mr. Nikolas uses this verse in a terrible way. How can a person imagine that God imagined this moment, that God already knew, before the woman was born, that this child was already planned!? It's surreal! In other words: Nikolas, this is not a simple matter!
Nikolas: “Christians are not being Christians! The world and Brazil do not need more Christians; They need real Christians!”
What kind of Christian does the world need!? Like you, André Valadão, Silas Malafaia, Valdemiro Santiago and Marco Feliciano!? Again, Nikolas presents himself as the most Christian of all, who is fighting alone alongside Christ against the barbarities of modern society. Pathetic!
Nikolas: “A Christian should never fall for so many lies!”
I agree! What do you mean a Christian will fall for lies from political and religious leaders!? But, unfortunately, especially in recent years that the church has allowed politics to enter the pulpits, lies have taken over.
Nikolas: Are we really a nation of Christians, of conservatives!?
Lula won with more than 60 million votes. So, we are not a conservative country. In fact, we are diverse and that’s good for that!
Nikolas: “When we defend what is biblical, the world will think it crazy!” / “The church has found the Gospel crazy!” / “How many Christians are actually willing to die for the Gospel!?” / “Withstand the pressure of the world...!”
It is very easy to talk about ‘I would die for the Gospel’ behind the Congress bench, earning R$30,000.00 (+ aid), with advisors, security guards and lawyers. What pressure from the world have you been facing!? You joined the PL (Liberal Party), owned by the corrupt Valdemar Costa Neto. Valdemar was a supporter of the Lula government and was accused of participating in Mensalão, tried in 2013 and sentenced to 7 years and 10 months in prison for passive corruption and money laundering. What pressure from the world are you facing?
Nikolas: “If the world doesn't hate you, something is wrong! If the world applauds you for your positions, know that you are not a Christian! We are not recognized by those who love us, but by those who hate us!”
This is one of the Christian arguments I hate most. Maybe the ‘world hates you’ because you’re simply annoying, toxic. It's not because you're a Christian and defend Christian agendas. Just as I said at the beginning of the text, Nikolas places himself on a utopian, unreachable pedestal of a being enlightened by God who fights the good fight. Nikolas puts himself in a position of 'if I preach the Gospel, I am hated by everyone'.
Nikolas: “... a Christian who understood his purpose and who will not back down to fight for biblical truth because of pressure from a collective that we owe nothing to him... they are enemies of our faith! They are people who are not enlightened, people who live off lies and support themselves by lying!”
Yes, Nikolas! Everyone who does not agree with your positions are ‘enemies of your faith’! TRUST! You are fighting alone against powers in the National Congress.
In summary:
- Don't be a cattle!
- Don't follow extremism, regardless of side!
- Question everything and everyone!

Raphael Paiva

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