segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2020

Is there Christophobia in Brazil?

Bolsonaro is the President of hashtags. The new thing is to write “#ChristophobiaExists”.
I was wondering where, in Brazil, there are Christophobic people!? At most, there are people who are prejudiced against Christians, for n reasons, such as tithing. Even I, who am an evangelical, have a backlash in relation to some churches. Now, Cristophobia!? Do you mean that, in Brazil, people are killed for being Christians!? What is the Brazilian terrist state that beheads people for being Christians!? Where is this happening!?
If it is to talk about a phobia to some religion, then it would be easier to say that in Brazil there are “CandombléPhobia”, “UmbandaPhobia” and even “SpiritismPhobia”, because these religions are seen as “thing of the devil”, people have fear. Now, where, in Brazil, are people afraid of Christians!? Where, in Brazil, there are people who kill people for being Christians!?
Stop talking silly!

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